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Through history there have been many myths and legends shared. From the great Hercules, to Icarus flying too close to the sun, these stories have enchanted our history and pranced on our stages for hundreds of years. However, like the yeti, sightings of a new adventurer emerge. Here lies the story of the traveling theatre gnome. His travels begin in the island nation of the Philippines, it was here where he was first seen on stages. However, it was not long before he was spotted all over Asia. Soon, the stories spread like wildfire to the United States. Thespians of all walks of life started reporting sightings of the theatrical gnome in cities from Seattle to Orlando. In fact to this day, it is said that the traveling theatre gnome can be found “larrygagging” around the backstage areas of Walt Disney World. While he moves from venue to venue so quickly his true identity remains an enigma, however one thing is certain. The lighting designs he has left behind dazzled audiences in Asia and the United States. In fact, there have been over 100 reported sightings of the gnome in professional theaters over the last 30 years. Maybe, just maybe, you might see him in yours some day.

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